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December at the Village Library

December at the Village Library

Please note: the most current information is shared through our Facebook and Instagram pages — the link (and feed) is on the right hand side of our website for Facebook, and you don’t need an account to browse our page.

Sunday Speaker Series, October 16 @ 3:00pm

Sunday Speaker Series, October 16 @ 3:00pm

Join the Friends of the Village Library and Otsego 2000 for a panel discussion on “New York State’s Energy Plan— How Does It Affect Our Community?”

Topics will include the process for siting of renewable energy projects,
the possible use of farmland and forest and how multiple use might be
encouraged, and the present and future energy demands in our region
and state and how that demand might be met.
Moderated by Dan Sullivan, Town Supervisor of Richfield, the panel will include:
 Danny Lapin, a Revitalization Specialist with the NYS Department of State
Office of Planning, Development, and Community Infrastructure
 Keith Schue, who has been engaged in New York energy policy since 2010 and
currently volunteers as a technical advisor for New York Energy & Climate
 David Kay, a Senior Extension Associate and Department Extension Leader
in Cornell University’s Department of Global Development

FoVL Sunday Speaker Series: September 18, 3:00pm

FoVL Sunday Speaker Series: September 18, 3:00pm

Join us on Sunday, September 18 as Friends of the Village Library host Mr. Jeff Katz, Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Otsego County. In what is the first Sunday Speaker program of the season, Mr. Katz will talk about what the Community Foundation is, its history, and what it is doing and will continue to do, for the good of all residents of Otsego County.

This Saturday!

This Saturday!

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Are you as excited as we are?! This sale provides crucial funding annually that supports the Village Library. Funding for the Library and some new reads? Win win! Stop by June 25 through July 3, from 9:00am to 5:00pm and browse the sale.

Thank you, from FoVL

Thank you, from FoVL

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The 2022 Friends of the Village Library of Cooperstown Book Sale is almost here, thanks to our wonderful community members who donated their used books, and especially our dedicated volunteers who helped set up our tents and tables and spent hours collecting and sorting books.  Special thanks to the crew who volunteered on Saturday, June 18, including Henry Bauer, the Bischof family, Ann Brown, Michelle and Caleb Hitchcock, Tibby Mahler, Ted Mebust, Laura Meckel, Molly Mooney, Florence and Frank McDermott, Al Kozak, T’Nette and Adrian Kuzminski, Karen and Jeff Katz, Kallie Moore, Stephanie Patrick, and Bud and Jacob Zaengle.  We also thank our local businesses and institutions who support this effort in many ways, including Price Chopper, Epic Landscaping, Bruce Hall, The Copy Shop, the Fenimore Art Museum/Farmers Museum, and the many downtown businesses who graciously help publicize and promote this event.
The book sale begins Saturday, June 25 and runs daily from 9am to 5pm through July 3.
FoVL Sunday Speaker Program: June 12

FoVL Sunday Speaker Program: June 12

Join us on Sunday, June 12, as Friends of the Village Library hosts Ms. Sarah Spross, the new CCSD Superintendent of Schools. In what is the final Sunday Speaker program of this year’s series, Ms. Spross will answer pre-submitted questions from interested participants on a variety of topics and will reflect on her first year as the school superintendent. The program, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 3 p.m. in the Board Room located on the lower level of the Village Hall. You are invited to submit questions in advance to