Sunday Speaker Series: April 24 @ 3:00pm

Sunday Speaker Series: April 24 @ 3:00pm

Friends of the Village Library of Cooperstown is pleased to announce the next program in our Sunday Speakers Series.

On Sunday, April 24, Bob Rosenthal will speak on Allen Ginsberg on the Planet. The program is from 3–4 p.m. in the third-floor ballroom at 22 Main Street, Cooperstown. The event is free, in-person, and open to the public.

Mr. Rosenthal, a prolific author, poet, and playwright, was Allen Ginsberg’s personal secretary for the last twenty years of Ginsberg’s life. He will discuss Ginsberg as a Citizen Poet globally and locally in Cherry Valley, NY.

Bob Rosenthal (b. 1950) divides his time between his homes in New York City and Cherry Valley. His publications include nonfiction, including Straight Around Allen—On the Business of Being Allen Ginsberg (Beatdom Books, 2019), works of poetry, and plays co-written with Bob Holman.

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